The Half-Life of Telerobotics

Siddhant Shrivastava

June 24, 2015

Filed under “

Hi all! If you’ve been following my previous posts, you’d have known that the Telerobotics module has been simmering for a couple of weeks. I’m happy to announce that it is almost complete and would hopefully be integrated with Vito’s Bodytracking module.

The last week (week four and five) were the busiest weeks of GSoC for me.

Learning Experience


Under heavy Development

# Attribute definitions for various diagnostic messages
  moves = attribute(label="Linear and angular displacement", dtype = (float,),
                              display_level = DispLevel.EXPERT,
                              access = AttrWriteType.READ,
                              unit = "(meters, radians)",
                              fget="getMoves", polling_period = POLLING,
                              max_dim_x = 2, max_dim_y = 1,
                              doc="An attribute for Linear and angular displacements")

Vito’s Bodytracker would publish events in the form of Tango events. The associated data would be a float tuple of dimensions 2,1 (2 columns, 1 row). Such a tuple, like (3.4, 1.2) would specify a relative linear and angular displacement of the astronaut. My Telerobotics module would subscribe to this Tango event and transform this data to a Twist message that the Husky can understand.

Mid-term evaluations start tomorrow! Eagerly looking forward to them. It has been an eventful and productive half summer of code. I hope the next half is even more exciting and challenging as the one that passed.
