My first experience with Pelican

Siddhant Shrivastava

February 17, 2015

Filed under “

I am trying to set up Pelican here.

Edit: The setup process was so much easier than Octopress that I could complete manual migration in less than half an hour.

Thanks to the plugins and theme support, everything that a blogger might need is simply battery included.

So here is a list of resources that I found indispensable:

  1. Octopress theme

The readablity and functionality offered by this minimalist theme is brilliant.

  1. Social Media Integration

The configuration files and have ample variables for linking with the popular social media platforms - Facebook, Twitter, G+.

  1. Google Analytics

Open Source bloggers can use this to track hits and get visual visits-with-time feedback.

  1. Markdown

I like this typesetting format for multiple reasons - touchtyping friendly characters, frugal use of tags, expressiveness, and the LaTeX-like non-WYSIWYG nature.

Finalized at 11:52 am. Tidied up on February 18, 2015 @ 10:57 am.

Tagged with review and personal.