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Telerobotics - Final Report
August 22, 2015
![GSoC Banner]({static}/images/articles/2015/gsoc-banner.png) **Eighteenth Post** and **Project Report** for the last week of the **Google Summer of Code 2015 program**
Telerobotics - The Penultimate Crescendo
August 14, 2015
![GSoC Banner]({static}/images/articles/2015/gsoc-banner.png) **Seventeenth Post** for the seventh bi-weekly report for the **Google Summer of Code 2015 program**
Fine-tuning Telerobotics
August 07, 2015
![GSoC Banner]({static}/images/articles/2015/gsoc-banner.png) **Sixteenth Post** for the **Google Summer of Code 2015 program**
Telerobotics and Bodytracking - The Rendezvous
July 31, 2015
![GSoC Banner]({static}/images/articles/2015/gsoc-banner.png) **Fifteenth Post** for the sixth bi-weekly report of the **Google Summer of Code 2015 program**
Virtual Machines + Virtual Reality = Real Challenges!
July 24, 2015
![GSoC Banner]({static}/images/articles/2015/gsoc-banner.png) **Fourteenth Post** for weeks 9-10 of the **Google Summer of Code 2015 program**
Streamed away (in Real-Time)!
July 16, 2015
![GSoC Banner]({static}/images/articles/2015/gsoc-banner.png) **Thirteenth Post** and fifth bi-weekly update for the **Google Summer of Code 2015 program**
Remote tests in Telerobotics
July 08, 2015
![GSoC Banner]({static}/images/articles/2015/gsoc-banner.png) **Twelfth Post** in the GSoC 2015 series.
Mid-term Report - GSoC '15
July 01, 2015
![GSoC Banner]({static}/images/articles/2015/gsoc-banner.png) **Mid-term summary and the Eleventh** Post in the GSoC 2015 series.
The Half-Life of Telerobotics
June 24, 2015
![GSoC Banner]({static}/images/articles/2015/gsoc-banner.png) **Tenth** Post in the GSoC 2015 series.
When two Distributed Systems meet!
June 18, 2015
![GSoC Banner]({static}/images/articles/2015/gsoc-banner.png) Ninth Post in the GSoC 2015 series. This post is the third bi-weekly update for the **Google Summer of Code 2015 program**
All for Docker; Docker for all!
June 12, 2015
![GSoC Banner]({static}/images/articles/2015/gsoc-banner.png) Eighth Post in the GSoC 2015 series. This post describes my **third week of the Google Summer of Code 2015 program**
Tango-ing with ROS- Week 2!
June 08, 2015
![GSoC Banner]({static}/images/articles/2015/gsoc-banner.png) Seventh Post in the GSoC 2015 series. This post describes my **second week of the Google Summer of Code 2015 program**
Programming a Mars rover - Week 1!
June 03, 2015
![GSoC Banner]({static}/images/articles/2015/gsoc-banner.png) Sixth Post in the GSoC 2015 series. This post describes my first week of the Google Summer of Code
Software Architecture Document for Telerobotics
May 29, 2015
![GSoC Banner]({static}/images/articles/2015/gsoc-banner.png) Fifth Post in the GSoC 2015 series. This one's about my experience while creating a formal Software Architecture Document for my GSoC project
Workspace Setup for Telerobotics
May 26, 2015
![GSoC Banner]({static}/images/articles/2015/gsoc-banner.png) Fourth Post in the GSoC 2015 series. This post describes how I set up my computer to work on Virtual Reality based Telerobotics
GSoC '15 Community Bonding
May 23, 2015
![GSoC Banner]({static}/images/articles/2015/gsoc-banner.png)
GSoC '15 - About my Project
May 07, 2015
![GSoC Banner]({static}/images/articles/2015/gsoc-banner.png)
GSoC 2015 with the Italian Mars Society
April 29, 2015
![GSoC Banner]({static}/images/articles/2015/gsoc-banner.png) Introductory Post for my GSoC 2015 developments with the **Python Software Foundation** and **Italian Mars Society**
Notes for this blog
April 01, 2015
A to-do list and topics to write on for this blog
Tonight's Robot : TARS from Interstellar
March 16, 2015
What TARS, CASE, and KIPPS have to teach us in Robotics?
Soft Intelligent Bots
March 11, 2015
**Big Hero 6** - Celebrating the **best** sci-fi film of all time
BeautifulSoup for Coursera
February 17, 2015
Circumventing the recent changes in Coursera video links structure
Human Sensor Network and Fusion
February 15, 2015
Comparing Sensor Networks with the Human Sensory System
Identifying Bots from above
February 13, 2015
QR code structure for mobile robots
Memcomputing is here to stay
February 05, 2015
On recent results in the paradigm-altering field
Life is a 2-D board game!
February 04, 2015
Conway's Game of Life in Robotics
The LaTeX course of life
January 10, 2015
When things get *LaTeX*-y and time is scarce
I like my factors Prime and and my numbers Random
January 10, 2015
A rundown on the 2014 PCG Random Number generator
A Computing Era gone by...
June 28, 2014
A nostalgic flashback to bit-twiddling
Lessons from the Octopress Setup
June 11, 2014
Rambling through Ruby-based Octopress. It was good while it lasted!